Advanced Fighter Technology Integration
AFTI F - 16 was fitted with a pair of Canard Surface mounted below the air Canards CCV/F-16 CCV derived from The aircraft was also equipped with a bulged spine which is located on the electronics. It has full authority digital Triplex Flight Control System (DFCS) and dodge the attack, an automated system (AMAS) to six independent degrees of freedom. It has been designed to be a mistake, so that no single failure should affect correct operation. In the case of the two systems will be able to revert to a standby condition to allow a safe flight to continue. To prevent unexpected failure modes, which may bring the system into a digital flight control system consists of a simple backup system for analog flight control -.- Voice control of interactive devices.
Unusual piece of equipment that is the cockpit - Voice interactive control device (VCID); By Lear - Siegler, the system volume control (32-256 dictionary words) is used to control the flight of the AFTI VCID in the first phase of testing is only one command to be used, such as' menu ','. information ', the point of the compass, numbers and letters, pronunciation, but the function is not as important as the navigation system is controlled by the VCID in the test at a later stage to conduct a feasibility of the complex. Multiple orders are accepted.
The problem lies not with the hard or software. But the fact that the system will be trained specifically for the sound and performance quickly deteriorates the quality of speech. The pilot is able to mention on the 5 + G's (as shown by studies conducted by GD in a centrifuge; Even if one person is supposedly the grunting orders even at 9G) and noise level F - 16 to the cockpit during the height of the preparation of G easily reaches 120dB in the study, the more likely it is that system. has managed to respond correctly to a staggering 90% of the order of speaking.I see the helmet to the mean.
Testing techniques in the AFTI F - 16 caps, is also attached to the eye. In place of the traditional throttle mounted cursor control means for a pilot to determine the AFTI I just want to look at it and goals consistent with the cross hairs 0.5in (12.7) in his hat. By depressing the lock button, the goal is to achieve and how slight modifications can be made by using the cursor to the FLIR and radar are automatically slaved to the movement of the head.
The relative position of the head of the pilots in the cockpit is determined by the magnetic field generated by a transmitter mounted on the roof directly behind the pilot's head with a helmet and 0.113kg. The system has the ability to tell a pilot that is looking for his target. This is achieved by using four video (up, down, left, right), which (when lit) tell the pilot which direction to turn his head.Program AFTI.Phase.
AFTI took to the air for the first time that Ford, 10 กรกฎาคม 1982, General Dynamics Canada pilot Alex Wolff is the control The following manufacturers were carried out at Carswell AFB, Texas AFTI/F-16 moved to Edwards AFB (California) for a two-year program of 275 test flight The process of testing, I have devoted primarily to evaluate the DFCS and the related demonstration of the ability to avoid a direct translation. This test was completed on July 30, 1983.Phase II.
In 1984, the second test starts with a FLIR operating the robot and then installed in the wing roots of F - 16C aircraft were fitted and dodge the attack automatically be installed. During Phase II testing, which lasted until 1987, which enabled the AMAS AFTI/F-16 to translate in all three axes at a constant angle of attack, and it points to six degrees to the flight vector.
The aircraft was used to test and evaluate a variety of forms, if only the cockpit and systems. The pilot of Heads - up and head down the audio warning system, the interaction of synthetic speech, audio and touch-sensitive display screen. This aircraft is also trying out products from the Air Force's application of computer graphics and interactive communication (magic) Project, which studies the model for the situations in all three axes.
In September of 1987, the team that is F-16/AFTI Air Force Association's Theodore von Kármán Prize 1987 for outstanding achievements in science and engineering.
Advanced research projects.The study of air support more closely.
During the years following AFTI/F-16 become involved in close air support (CAS) to study some of them operated by NASA. These studies were in favor of proposal A - 16 or any future air support / battlefield air off the air I was fine with AFTI/F-16 F - 16C Block 25 and Block 40 wing of F -. 16C, such as radar, APG - 68 LANTIRN and interface it through the five stages of the CAS Program over the 1988 to 1991, such testing techniques to be low in the cockpit as a target handoff system. (In which the target was moved from ground stations or other aircraft to AFTI/F-16), and the Pave Penny laser pod, the weapon techniques, open and close the digital world.The GPWS and GCAS.
As a U.S. Air Force wanted to reduce the "flight into terrain that control" (CFIT), which remains a major cause of crashes, military tactics, they begin to develop a system from the ground. ground collision. Significant progress has been made with the launch of a ground proximity warning system (GPWS) in 1970 greatly reduced the rate of accidents, CFIT.
The last line of defense against a ground collision avoidance system (GCAS), the pilot was not aware of the warnings of his current situation so it will take to recover. Technological development and demonstration of the AFTI F - 16 test-bed over the last decade to determine whether it is possible to avoid the terrain.
AFTI flight between A - GCAS testing (NASA image).
Advanced or AFTI ground collision avoidance system (Auto - GCAS) relies on terrain databases and digital inputs that are required to navigate. It also goes a step beyond the alert pilots; It is the resurgence of aggressive flying through F - 16 ฟg the transformer. The relationship between the aircraft and terrain digital databases is based on a radar record time, altimeter, although the Global Positioning or inputs, the inertia may be to use an algorithm GCAS and digital data with the terrain. The current flight parameters to predict the details of the recovery and to prepare to escape through the transformer ฟg. Maneuver to escape a rotary wing aircraft for testing in 5g AFTI, GCAS only enable the minimum terrain clearance is expected to be 50-150 feet of terrain clearance minimum distance. It was chosen arbitrarily to any of the usual minimum of 150ft and 50 feet for a buffer to strafe right.
In 1995 AFTI F - 16 who have performed more than 1,000 tests, automatic recovery. In its November 1996 AFTI test F - 16 established criteria alarm Auto - GCAS by defining the appropriate level of activation. Researchers are sensitive to the system and have it too high, he became annoyed at the way the pilot is normally about 20 flights have been carried out.
In January 1997, a two-year program that aims "to migrate software into hardware AFTI production" has begun. On the test track Auto - GCAS has been done to prevent the production of 25 F - 16D in 1998.
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