Variable-stability In-flight Simulator Test Aircraft, Multi Axis Thrust Vectoring
Under the terms of the agreement, the IDF / AF is to supply F - 16D for a test with the two American companies to do the conversion. However, in 1991, the U.S. Air Force Wright Laboratory became interested in the project, and Air Force are now considered to play an important role. Israel withdrew from the program in 1992.
TAC's USAF loaned to Lockheed Martin in Fort Worth (LWFC) F - 16D 30 blocks (# 86-0048) for vectoring aircraft to push the research. The security of the Lockheed F - 16 variables in the flight simulator test aircraft (Vista) over five times in 1992 and was placed in flyable storage because of lack of funding.Windows VISTA.
In 1988, a contract has been awarded General Dynamics, Fort uncover the development of Vista (the stability parameters of the flight test model) Calspan, a subcontractor to GD is installed on the computer center, and integration needed to. the flight variable stability aircraft, Wright Labs in 1988 and from 1988 until 1992 VISTA/F-16 program has been successful. There is a connection between the thrust vectoring VISTA/F-16 and not now.
The Vista F - 16D was redesignated NF - 16D, a prefix that does not have a plane that has been tested and that the change was significant enough that it is impractical to restore the plane to its original state, NF. - 16D, there are two sticks that variable.
sidestick with more on the center console, while mounted on a pedestal between the pilot's knee. Advance and must be taken to put a zero in the research airplanes, but since Vista is not acceptable to lose the battle. The bar can be a force or movement that has complete control of the gradient force, the creation and range of motion.
Three Rolm Hawk computer installed in the dorsal fin of the aircraft, the function of the variable stability in flight simulators and VISTA. Computer system to monitor inputs from the pilot and the aircraft's control surfaces to produce the necessary movement. Controlling access to a computer to change the flight characteristics and control of the front seats to be installed in the back seat. Variable Stability System (VSS) the movement of the horizontal tail, symmetric and asymmetric, symmetric and asymmetric movements flaperon, rudder and throttle control. The surface is not controlled by VSS and the edge flaps speedbrakes.
Other, including adjustments to the total weight of VISTA gear, a heavy landing and the capacity of pumps, hydraulic and large lines to accommodate the movement of the surface, increasing the need for model aircraft. other
The purpose of the program itself, including how to use the tactical utility of thrust vectoring in close-in aerial combat and to take control of an integrated push vectoring in flight. The aircraft was shown to be the constant attacks by as much as 86 degrees and the angle of attack, temporarily up to 180 degrees, in other words, aircraft that can fly backwards for a short time, vectoring drive to take advantage. important in terms of bringing weapons to bear on the threat more quickly and to avoid the risk of departure from controlled flight during violent maneuvers. However, using really high AoA maneuvers should only be performed again in aerial combat, in view of the increased risk of the aircraft when in a low power state.Program MATV.
PC stable and variable centerstick was omitted from Vista for the MATV, which began test flights in July, 1993 aircraft operated six flights a plant in Fort Worth in early July and it was. ferried to Edwards AFB on March 15 the rest of the flight test is more stringent that the thrust vectoring in flight was first used on July 30, many of the core thrust of the program Vectoring - an investigation. high angle of flight attack, above 20,000 feet computers stability variable is put back in place when the MATV concluded in March 1994 in January 1995 it returned to Ford before they flew to Wright - Patterson. AFB, where it is sent to the Air Force flew more than 130 hours have been accumulated with 95 missions.
Program Aven.
Sole NF - 16D, # 86048, is still used in MATV / Vista the installation of a tail-spin chute fairing chin, the dorsal fin and ballast (LMTAS picture).
Vista is the heart of the Vectoring Nozzle exhaust axisymmetric (Aven), which is attached to the exhaust of the plane of the General Electric F110 - GE - 100 Aven engine thrust vectoring to achieve the distinction.of the ring is positioned by three hydraulic actuators for the period of 120 degrees, has the power to organize independently.
The exhaust nozzle can be deflected in any direction through the angle to 17 degrees of axial and lateral forces imposed by the jet exhaust nozzles that are transferred into jetpipe and thus back into the engine. The advantage of Aven is that it may be adapted for any F - 16 to be powered by F110 engines and a flight control system.
The movement of the three actuators is commanded by a vector electronic control (VEC), which is a modified version of the full power of digital engine control used by the F110 - GE - 129 engine in order to balance the weight. of Aven, the weight of the spin chute and hardware. (Which is quite heavy), 700 pounds of ballast were added to the inlet hardpoints to the center of gravity forward on the order of 38% of the chord. To avoid the possibility of a deep stall thrust vectoring system should fail. As an additional security measure, the recovery parachute is installed above the rear of the aircraft to assist in the recovery from deep should they arise.Multi-directional driving applications vectoring -.
Multi-directional nozzle thrust vectoring - and its Pratt & Whitney PYBBN the setting of the engine F100 - PW - 229 has been installed on NF - 16D combines injection engine, designed and manufactured by P & W, is not secure. System operators dual - redundant features full axisymmetric vectoring nozzle to remove a 360-degree deflection angle of twenty degrees. Nozzle can be adjusted and tailored to any form of engine F100.
Six months testing the air with this combination, the engine of the body is to be carried out in 1997 and the Air Force and Calspan has a plane ready for customers in 1998, but P & W program vectoring thrust was. canceled. The aircraft will be converted to use the engine F100 - PW - 229 standard and is returned to the Calpsan (aircraft carrier) in June of 1997.
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