Thursday, July 21, 2011

F-16 GCAS Ground Collision Avoidance System

Ground Collision Avoidance System

GCAS F - 16 is a block to 25 F - 16D to perform flight tests of the automatic ground collision avoidance. This system has demonstrated that the use of modern computer technology can reduce the number of accidents attributed to flight control to terrain (CFIT) U.S. Air Force has gone 4-5 since the early CFIT aircraft per year. Swedish Air Force in 1990 and has about twice the rate of CFIT. The GCAS system now being developed to reverse those trends.

USAF, Lockheed Martin, NASA and the Swedish Air Integrated Enforcement Technology Fighter (AFTI) team has completed flight tests of the automatic ground collision avoidance or GCAS automatically on the block U.S. Air Force to upgrade 25 F -. 16D in the fall of 1998, 29 flights in a team that has more than 350 test maneuvers - such as diving on the floor and sides of the mountain - to meet the important objective of the program.

Shows that the GCAS automation significantly reduces mishaps fighters are caused by pilot areas, loss of situational awareness, the loss of G - induced consciousness (G - LOC) and gear up landing.

Identify any areas that GCAS Auto - may hinder the performance of the pilot of a tactical mission standards.
In the series 1 - HR demonstration flight is clear that these are the main objectives have been satisfied. The system is not mature enough to be installed in aircraft production, but about 95% ready.
No program has the support in place now. The Air Force will field the type of GCAS some automation on the F - 16, F - 22 Strike Fighter and the aerial combat that have evolved as the official appears to be very interesting. the top level in the CFIT accidents cut trees that the research team will be relegated to the AFTI dusty shelves, a senior U.S. Air Force.
Swedish Air Force, the mission of the flies down to 100 feet above the terrain is mountainous, may be the first to install the production of GCAS when JAS 39 Gripens of them in Sweden Forsvarets Materielverk (FMV) and Saab in the vehicle development GCAS. and flight test program and cofunded the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory under the military cooperation agreement. Four Swedish Air Force pilots and flight demos Profile Auto - GCAS Edwards AFB, and the evaluation of the viability of the system is very positive.

I found a system that is sophisticated and complex - but very strong and effective - way to rescue the pilot who was "unaware" or the consciousness of LMTAS and Saab engineers combined GPS / inertial inputs to the state. radar altimeter and digital terrain AFTI F 16s - ฟg transformer at the response of the aircraft model (ARM) to create an envelope full of ground collision avoidance system automatically blocks 50 F - 16. The terrain referenced navigation system, a "position" to allow the entry of new algorithms to decide whether nearby terrain can be hazardous to aircraft. Depending on the attitude of the aircraft while avoiding any of the specific areas of the country as a "scan" and height is compressed to form 2D.
ARM is a complex model of the F - 16, at the rate of real-time. "It is a fairly complex algorithm that tracks the burning fuel to be used to store data from the system. [About the weight of the arms and drag], and even accounting for delays in the processing system, "Mark A. Skoog, USAF, director of the AFTI F - 16 who said that" the current status of the aircraft, ARM calculations. six degrees of freedom simulation of a full roll of the wing at the wing level [switch ARM] to recover the 2D - - category model, the second order. The response of the courts of the jet. To calculate how much [the movement] will be able to trade power for elevation to the jet up to speed on the zoom climb - and then holding at that. "
The computer will determine how much time is available before the aircraft is destroyed, the pilot selected the minimum descent altitude (MDA) and then invoke the transformer ฟg - defensive maneuver commander. Typically, the chevrons (> <) will appear in the heads-up display for 5 seconds before the automatic flight - up to warn pilots Auto - GCAS is about to take over. If they take does not cover the move to each other until they find a point of flashing the "divide - X" symbol will appear in the HUD and aural warnings. annunciates, "Fly - up! Fly - up!".
At that instant, the Auto - GCAS some of the most aggressive tournament was an eye-watering EX - USAF flight-test engineers and pilots who have experienced civilians.
If you turn (bank angle greater than 90 degree) and a nasal spray to remove the pilot 1g push "up" into his shoulder straps and lap belts to get the plane's nose toward the sky as 180-deg./sec. tea roll into account the aircraft to a wings level, right side up. After a certain point, 90-degree bank, a 5g pull-up is starting to estimate the system 4g/sec order to recover the maximum angle of attack flight conditions, will not keep pulling up on routes 5g point above the terrain. The threat Auto - GCAS disengages and announced, "Cunman."
If the speed of the aircraft was not adequate enough to pull up the system will announce "Fire! Power, "urging the pilot to push the throttle forward and the wind speed.
Skoog's briefing before the flight, I focus on the speed of these transformers ฟg of the tournament - and the reason for the aggressiveness of them. "Roll with the details of the attack very quickly. It will impress the point on the side of your head. The pilot will be hitting their heads against the sky. However, for the sole purpose Auto - GCAS has reason to be sensitive about not roll [the]. Let's get the wings level as fast as we can, "he said.
"Roll the attack rate is faster than any pilot can," Prosser added. "There is no way you can move your hand quickly to the attack are not clear. It was so fast that you will get the roll rate is higher than it is. ".
The pilots are adamant about having more power to their test team AFTI the first to pilot the ability to replace a Auto - GCAS the extensive testing and consultation with the F - 22 pilot test, the changes. attitudes.
"During testing we found that all types of terrain, even a few of GCAS ฟg transformer in a direction not to blow you through the [MDA]," Skoog said, "trying to do the upgrade. Aviation - G - ups, we see hundreds of feet, loss of height increase of 0.3 seconds. replace out of the program that we want to be protected a little by the pilot of the transformer function. instead of [power]. So we lock out the pilot roll and yaw. He was able to increase the volume depending on the limits of the angle of attack, "and can usually disable the Auto GCAS by pressing the" paddle "switch at the base. The control of the forces pushing for £ 19.
For our flight Prosser Auto GCAS set in the "active" or "low" mode to "standby" on the HUD when the wheel is moved to the gear down. He turned on the system after takeoff from Edwards AFB in the series F - 16D, we have # 81176, Block 25 aircraft with avionics improvements for the 40/50 block is the first testbed F - 16 model. Digital's body was carried out under the Restriction of the many that are quite narrow escape.
Prosser began to demonstrate response rates GCAS by setting snorkeling, then pull the gun trigger on the controller sidestick 16s - F to initiate a pilot using aircraft (PAFU) I'm not sure. PAFU to close down, 30 degrees - the nose-down attitude, ensuring that the gun fall back seat to the statement made by Air. This technique has been used throughout the auto-GCAS PAFU flight test program to instantly pull up the order for any reason related to safety.
If these engineers of the ground in the mobile phone to check wind speed, the Black, the State Bank Auto - GCAS is to fly - up and distance from the TV telemetered from the jet in the computer's display. In the control room to activate it immediately, called "Cancelled" If an aircraft engineer, the parameters of any preset limits.
The pilot test also can start, if he PAFU "beyond his comfort level," Prosser said. Extensive testing showed that the pilot initiated a pull-up is usually about 1.5 seconds before they hit the ground.
"We have a pretty tight tolerances for these tests work," Prosser said. One model is a pilot blacked out in a steep dive, "which means that we only. However, diving 10 degree, 20 degree bank, and 50 - kt. Wind [patience]. When you are pointing straight down. That's pretty hard to nail. "
During the demonstration, Prosser's last revival of PAFU - commanded aggressive from the start, 120 - degree bank, 17 deg - the nose-down attitude, spare parts, data transfer, our digital ink (stowed in the cockpit in front), which has. smashed through the map because of the sharp negative 1g push the cartridge - a much larger and heavier than the video cassette tape VHS - hit the roof, flying to my boat during a draw - G - up. slammed on the panel between the cockpits of it is unexpected and graphics acceleration and high forces, commanded by AFTI F - 16 ฟg of the transformer.
After the detection level of the system in the black water and run the un-or two-Prosser model mishaps serious pilots flying in the glasses, night vision (NVG) and loss of situational awareness and replication. first time Auto - GCAS altitude, minimum descent at 500 feet AGL (a condition where the intermediate-risk), rolled in Prosser on 5G back some, then back to 90 degrees - the bank. Prior to relax the grip on his stick. Pilots victims have gone back the horizon and think about the wings level, nose down. He was not aware of ground water related to NVG similar accidents kill F - 16 and Pilot A - 10.
Rosamond Dry Lake in the flat while running up to us to fill in the roof of my field, I look back, look at my seat against HUD and saw two large chevrons move to the center of the display. Arrows point at which they touch, and we immediately rolled the wings level and a snap to quickly pull up about 10 degrees nose up, "Cunadgrabman" We have blown the announcement, climbing at about 317 kt. and 2940 feet, about 600 + feet over the lakebed - artificially high established for security reasons.
"[GCAS Auto -] just saved your life," Prosser said.

USAF F - 16D Block 25, # 83176, for a combination of the US - Sweden GCAS was held in 1998 (U.S. Air Force photo).
Simulation of the accident to the pilot, low drag bomb in 20 - degree water, then pull up to 5g, rolling to 135 degrees - the left and look over his shoulder to watch the explosion. Instead of climbing to cruise. The pilot inadvertently allowed the aircraft to nose down about 20 degrees below the horizon
We started to test the functionality of a base elevation of 8300 feet, to simulate the explosion at 375 kt CAS, and 5500 feet and started pulling up 5g Prosser rolled 135 degrees - left and leaving the nose. But the water's rapid rise to 28 degrees, I have known from ground controllers and pilots who started flying through the switch PAFU about 1 second before the conflict in air traffic, local precluded run. repeatedly
Prosser set to Auto - GCAS MDA to 50 feet, a speed of "ground" for display on the HUD, and descended a preplanned tactical level courses. To avoid distractions, he cut off the HUD, including Chevron, we flew about 200 feet above the ground at 520-560 kt., Popping over the high voltage power lines, hills and small mountains. Slipping through the cut in the mountains, deserts, rolling back down the back of the ridge, and carved around the sides of mountains, Prosser has shown that pilots can fly as low-level missions, tactical without. The only annoyance was flying.
"So far, [Auto - GCAS] does not interfere with our mission at all," he noted.
When we are lost altitude radar data, the location of the aircraft to double-check by comparing the shape of the ground along the flight path to an archive of digital terrain data. However, a complex algorithm to automatically compensate for the inertia GCAS the height of the system when needed.
Pilot test the new setting of the MDA 200 feet and fly at altitudes that range to demonstrate a "speedbump" The effects of grazing at an altitude of lowest descent - Auto - GCAS ". fly - up "is very short and humble - just enough to allow the pilot knew he was close to the band with the height to prevent the separation of aircraft and terrain. Prosser has been restored to their normal chevron 5 seconds, the nature prefly - up to remind us of the "people" are emerging as the peak approached.

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