The program was the largest in the Western world.
General Dynamics F - 16 Fighting Falcon is one of the fighters, the most important part of the 20th century it was developed from concept to combat the light experiment and evolve in battle, all-weather and aircraft attacks. precision F - 16 have been producing as many as five production lines that separate the program was the largest in the Western world, more than 4000 F - 16s were built with production still continuing it. the program was the largest in the Western world.
F - 16 is the culmination of studies and concepts, including "Advanced Day Fighter" and "fighting weight" is. This article provides an overview of the background and origin of the F - 16.The study of high-performance fighter F - X and ADF.
Studies as early as 1965, the Air Force has begun to define the concept of a new high-performance fighter. These include FX, fighter interceptor / air superiority, heavy and light Day Fighter Advanced (ADF) FX has to be in the range £ 40,000 - and that is equipped with advanced and sophisticated radar and weapons. The long-term radar, the missile air - to - air ADF is to be in the range £ 25,000 and the ratio of thrust to weight and loading the wings for the purpose of better performance of the MiG - 21, at least 25 percent of the concept. are behind the ADF was much the same reasons that led to the Korean War, after the Lockheed F - 104A Starfighter.
The Mach 2.8 capable MiG - 25 Foxbat in 1967, analysts fear, the Department of Defense and the redirection of the U.S. Air Force plans to combat high again becomes a primary concern, the FX was to emerge as the McDonnell Douglas F. - 15 Eagle, fighter aircraft with advanced aircraft and missiles, long-term ADF was temporarily shelved.F - XX.
ADF concept was kept alive by former fighter instructor Major John Boyd and Pierre Sprey, a civilian in the office of assistant secretary of defense for systems analysis. They both disliked the FX concept and design requirements, it is very simple. In the late 1960s, they came up with a design that has been assigned £ 25,000 F - XX, which will be dedicated air superiority fighter has high endurance, minimal electronics and weapons in the long run. Later studies used this weight down to £ 17,000 a concept of an opposition to the hierarchy of the Air Force, because some consider it a threat to the FX is the Pentagon decided to implement the project level. low, just in case the FX (ie F - 15) have been delayed or have serious development problems.
In 1969, a Pentagon memorandum suggested that both the Air Force and Navy XX - F instead of F - 15 and F - 14, respectively, since both these planes become more expensive. Resistant to both these movements, and F - 14 and F - 15 up front.Pushing the concept.
Deputy Defense Secretary David A. Packard (who came in with the Nixon administration in 1969) is a strong advocate of returning to the concept of competitive prototyping as a means of containing costs. more of the new weapons in 1960 under the Ministry of Defense, Robert MacNamara, the procurement philosophy, and the package has been adopted, in which the aircraft is committed to produce even before the first flight. flyoff any event, and not with the design of the competition. This has led to such controversial aircraft Galaxy Lockheed C - 5A and General Dynamics F - 111, which are both an expensive and time-consuming developmental problems and extensive cost overruns.
Under the new competitive prototyping philosophy, Air Force Secretary Robert C. Seamans drew up a set of ground rules at the beginning of the project to fund new weapons will be somewhat limited by the performance goals and requirements were initially stored. to a minimum by the year 1971, Boyd worked for the Air Force Prototype Study Group. He was able to push the idea while thinking of coming back into fashion flyoffs competition.Proposal
Fighter lightweight (LWF) program came into being under the watch Packard proposal (RFP) was issued to industry on 16 มกราคม 1971 RFP called for a ratio of thrust to weight, height, weight of less than £ 20,000. and high maneuverability. No attempt is made to equal the performance of the Foxbat MiG - 25, the focus is placed instead on the conditions most likely in the future of aerial combat - the height 30000-40000. Feet and a speed of Mach Mach 0.6 to 1.6.
The correct rate of turn, acceleration and speed over time. Is the small size of the MiG - 17 and MiG - 21, has made them difficult to detect visually in the fighting over North Vietnam RFP specified three main objectives. The aircraft should fully explore the advantages of new technologies to reduce the risks and uncertainties involved in developing and manufacturing a full range and diversity of technology options to meet the hardware requirements. in the military.
Meanwhile, with the selection of the McDonnell Douglas F - 15 Eagle is the winner of the FX, Engineer, General Dynamics has been focused on the study of the LWF for dogfighting during the day with a little electronic air - to - air. is that these studies were all conducted under the company's version of 401.Proposal for LXF.
The LWF - 401 - 16B ... the obvious (GD photo).
Five manufacturers submitted offers in response to the RFP --- Boeing, Northrop, General Dynamics, Ling-Temco - Vought, and Lockheed Martin in March of 1972, staff concluded that the air-bone models. Boeing 908-909 is the first choice of the 401 General Dynamics and Northrop Model P - 600 is ranked as the second, the Vought V - 1100 and the Lockheed CL - 1200 Lancer had been eliminated.
Power source that, after further work, Rated Travel Dynamics and Northrop in advance of delivery of the Boeing Model General Dynamics 401 - 16B and the Northrop P - 600 were selected for further development on April 13, 1972 and The two YF - 16s (# 72-1567 and # 72-1568) and two YF - 17's (No. 72-1569 and no. 72-1570) won instead of "X" (experimental) use of the prefix,. "Y" (development) is used to prefix to indicate that a combination of off the shelf and were used YF - 16 to be powered by a Pratt & Whitney F100 turbofan, while the YF - 17 will be. must be driven by a pair of General Electric YJ101 engines.
"Cost plus fixed fee" contract covers the design, construction and testing of prototypes, including two years of test flights. While the Air Force remains committed to the fighters, the F - 15 and see the LWF program as more and more of the technology - rather than a serious effort for the aircraft manufacturer. At the same time the contract was for a version of Pratt & Whitney F100 turbofan specially adapted for single-engined aircraft with General Electric and for new and smaller YJ101 engine.The cost of maintaining it.
YF - 16 was designed and built at Fort Worth under the direction of Dietz, William C., and Lyman Josephs, with Harry as a designer Hillaker head of The General Dynamics Model 401 has been studied in models, mockups and wind tunnel testing dozens of different configurations before the final configuration was selected. No attempt was made to push forward the technological advancement of individuals with proven components and are used in areas where new technology is not necessary.
Parts and accessories details are designed to facilitate low-cost production using traditional materials where possible. In order to keep costs down, many of the components that have commonality with the aircraft's existing or expected. But new technology is used in situations where it is most effective in meeting performance goals.
General Dynamics decided to use a turbofan F100 single offer them more than a couple of low cross YJ101s GE, which was designed by Northrop to compete with F100 is about to make the fuel less than a pair of YJ101s, the study found. that there is no attrition significant advantages for the twin-engine. Model with a single machine made it possible to achieve the mission of the weight of £ 17,050 while the format powered by twin General Electric YJ101 is a mission that has the weight of £ 21,470.Early design development.
During the initial design development of the F - 16, General Dynamics had considered both single and twin vertical tails. In wind tunnel tests showed that vortices produced by the forebody strake generally improved directional stability. However, certain strake shapes actually reduced stability at high angles of attack when twin tails were used. It was concluded that the tail is paired with a significantly increased risk of developing a single vertical tail, and that gives satisfactory results provided that it is high enough.
General Dynamics team also studied several different air intake configurations before settling on the final step in the air under the nose. Location stomach for consumption have been selected to reduce the sensitivity of the flow of air into the engine to a high angle of attack of 20 degrees AoA, the flow direction of the local consumption of the abdomen was only ten degrees below. numbers, compared with 35 degrees of the inlets of the installation.
The design team started with a chin-mounted intake of the war. But it was gradually pushed further and further back to the weight until the process finally stopped to eat before the nosewheel has some disadvantages, such as the location for installing the air --- the entrance. the bottom of the body as a danger to the personnel of the ground and appears at first sight to be invited to damage foreign objects (FOD) on the engine by the ingestion of stones and other debris, runway in consumption But avoid the gun gas ingestion problem, and since the nosewheel is further back to avoid FOD nosewheel induced. To save on weight and complexity, the geometry of the consumer as amended.Different wing planforms.
Four different wing planforms - straight, swept, variable, and delta - are of variable geometry wings - was rejected because of the high complexity and weight. Delta wing had the advantage of low weight per unit area and low wave drag. In the end, but was rejected due to the drag lift and trim drag penalty. Low-sweep wings that have been selected because it is thought to offer the best combination of excellent maneuverability and acceleration to ensure the highest performance at a great height. The team chose to bend the wing leading-edge computer-controlled variable flaps maneuvering and flaperons bottom edge, which may correspond to the curvature of the flying conditions to optimize the wing.
YF - 16 prototype mock-up (GD photo).
Wing and main fuselage body were smoothly blended into each other in three dimensions can not be determined at the end of the wing and body at the start. Blended wing body, or lifting body effect is achieved by having a smooth fairing of the wing and the fuselage was split over the resolution to set up a high angle of attack. The wing is installed smoothly, with strakes leading edge strakes are creating vortices in the height of the attack, which maintain the energy of the air boundary layer flows through the inner part of the wing, delayed weight of roots, wings and treatment. stable direction.
Since the wing was far too thin to accommodate a wheel member, the lower the body to the wheels retracting into the fuselage holes. Wings are made of aluminum, most of the small amount of iron, titanium and composite materials.Electronics
"Relaxed" static stability / fly - by - wire (RSS / FBW) control system for The number of elements added to the pilot to fight 9g These include a side mounted console, air conditioning, tilt the seat backward by 30 degrees, and all-round vision bubble canopy.
Although the LWF requirement that only a small electronics design team recognized that the aircraft may be flying with a heavier and more massive. The decision was made to keep the size of the aircraft to carry heat seeking Sidewinder missiles plus the M61 cannon, but to make provisions for the Sparrow missile radar - back home to continue at a later date should this need.
Original specifications called for a load factor of 7.33 grams, while carrying 80 percent of the fuel within the General Engineering Dynamics decided to increase this figure to 9g of fuel in full and to increase the lifetime of the aircraft from 4000 to. 8000 hours.
The pilot realized that the YF - 16 will be fired from outside the travel off to a combat zone and then back on the fuel within the design team allocated internal fuel and reducing the size of the body. £ 1470 to shave off weight, empty And weight loss that is loaded by £ 3300 by doing this conversion ratio may be increased by ten percent and acceleration by 30 percent.
Operating expenses decreased by tailplanes left and right, and flaperons the end of the suspension, which was also shared with one side of Avionics and easy weapon to contain a 20 - mm M61A1 cannon rotation and Two rockets AIM - 9 Sidewinder at the wingtips, as well as stores in the external hardpoints under each wing.
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