Thursday, July 21, 2011

F-16/CCV Control Configured Vehicle

Control Configured Vehicle

YF - 16 New (# 72-1567) was created in December 1975 to become controller for the U.S. Air Force Dynamics Laboratory, the configuration of the vehicle (CCV) CCV aircraft are an independent or "separation" ground. flight control surfaces, which makes it possible to maneuver the plane without movement in another - for example, a change without going to the bank.

YF - 16 CCV is installed vertically with Canards the amount of air and flight controls were modified to allow the end of the wing flaperons edge acts in combination with the stabilator to move all the fuel system was modified so by the transfer of fuel from the tank to another location of the aircraft center of gravity can be adjusted.
YF-16/CCV first flight on March 16, 1976, piloted by David J. Thigpen on June 24, 1976, it was seriously damaged in a crash landing. While still more than half a mile, the engine suffered from a loss of energy in a crash landing, the landing gear collapsed. The repair takes more than 6 months and the flight test program was back in the spring of 1977 the last flight on June 31, 1977 YF-16/CCV after 87 sorties and 125 hours of air gets into the system.
A few years later F-16/AFTI program will take advantage of the experience gained from this program, CCV.

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